Sunday 13 December 2015



What is flood?
Flood is an environment disaster which can caused a lot of damages. It is an overflow of water on dry land that are usually not cover with water. There are two types of flood, one is flood that can ebb within one day while another serious type of flood may be takes a few days to ebb and flow depends on weather.

What cause flood?
Weather -       The main cause of flood is weather. Heavy rain for a few days will cause flood to lower ground. This is because a large amount of water fall on earth as a sudden will cause downing of draining system. The over amount of water that can’t been drained immediately will cause overflow of water in drain and river then it affect the land around.
Deforestation-Weather is a natural phenomena which can’t control by human. But human activities such as deforestation is also a cause of flood. The loss of forest will cause more water accumulate underground. This is because loss of trees to withdraw the water when raining. Flood happens to land when there’s over amount of water on land.
                        Activity deforestation also cause the level of water to decrease. This is because the loss of tree roots to hold the ground will cause earth to fall into river bank. The fall of earth into river bank shallowed the level of water, water starts to overflow and cause flood to the surface around.
Solid waste -  The irresponsible of human to harm the environment such as throw solid waste into drain and river bank also a caused to flood. This is because solid waste accumulate in drain will cause downing of draining system while accumulate under river bank will cause decrease in level of water. This is why flood happen easily on road when there’s heavy rain. The clogged of drains cause water cannot been drained immediately and flood on road can cause damage to vehicles and dangers to road users.

Effect of flood
Danger and Death –  One of the most serious effect of flood is it can cause death to lives. Human and animals can been drowned during flood. Besides, flood can cause damages to surrounding and this cause dangers to living lives.
Losses -           The victims of flood also suffer from big losses. This is because flood not only cause damages to their home but also their assets such as furniture, electrical appliances and any other valuable substances which cannot been carried away. The victims of flood will been forced to spend on a big amount of repairable and renewable fees after flood.
Destroy of environment -     Flood cause damages to surrounding and destroy the scenery. It not only damage buildings, vehicles but also destroy natural environment such as it will left behind a big disaster. Solid wastes left behind after flood will cause land pollution to the environment if it is not been cleaned properly.

Investigation of Methodology -       Although there’s no actual prevention for flood cause by natural phenomena such as rain, but investigation of methodology to estimate the possibility of flood is very important.  This can avoid many incidents such as death and loss when preparation are done earlier to face the problem. Lives can been safe and loses can been decreased to the minimum.
Responsibilities of human to environment -          Reduction of deforestation and plantation of trees not only eco-friendly but also prevent flood. This not only can reduce the water accumulate underground but also reduce water from rain accumulate on land. Besides, solid waste should been managed in proper ways so it wouldn’t clog drains and cause downing of draining system.
Commitment of government –                    Government plays a very important role to help the victims of flood. Accomodation and things needed should be provided for victims which suffer from flood. Government should also help the victims of flood to minimize their burden on repairable and renewable cost to their damage home. 

Sunday 29 November 2015

Environmental and health

Environmental Issue

Water Pollution

                Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies such as rivers, ocean and groundwater. This form of environmental degradation occurs when pollutants are directly or indirectly discharged into water bodies without adequate treatment to remove harmful compounds.

                The water pollution occur when the water bodies is adversely affected due to the addition of large amounts of materials to the water. The source of water pollution are categorized as being a point source or a non-source point of pollution. Point sources of pollution occur when the polluting substance is emitted directly into the waterway. For example, a pipe spewing toxic chemicals directly into a river. A non-point source occurs when there is runoff of pollutants into a waterway, for instance when fertilizer from a field is carried into a stream by surface runoff.

                Water pollution has many different causes and this is one of the reasons why it is such a difficult problem to be solved. One of the causes of water pollution is the farming. The use of herbicides and pesticides in large amount in the farms can cause toxic pollutants. These substances are particularly dangerous to life in rivers, streams and lakes, where toxic substances can build up over a period of time. Farms also frequently use large amounts of chemical fertilizers that are washed into the waterways and damage the water supply and the life within it. Fertilizers can increase the amounts of nitrates and phosphates in the water, which can lead to the process of eutrophication. Allowing livestock to graze near water sources often results in organic waste products being washed into the waterways. This sudden introduction of organic material increases the amount of nitrogen in the water, and can also lead to eutrophication. Eutrophication is the enrichment of an ecosystem with chemical nutrients that typically containing nitrogen, phosphorus or both. Eutrophication is the forms of water pollution.

                Sewage is also the cause of water pollution. Disposing of sewage is the major problem with billions of people on the planet. Sewage disposal affects people's immediate environments and leads to water-related illnesses such as diarrhoea.  In developed countries, most people have flush toilets that take sewage waste quickly and hygienically away from their homes. Yet the problem of sewage disposal does not end there. When you flush the toilet, the waste has to go somewhere and, even after it leaves the sewage treatment works, there is still waste to dispose of. Sometimes sewage waste is pumped untreated into the sea.  When people are sick with viruses, the sewage they produce carries those viruses into the environment. It is possible to catch illnesses such as hepatitis, typhoid, and cholera from river and sea water.

                Other than farming and sewage, there are also many causes that can lead water pollution such as chemical waste, oil pollution, livestock animals, land erosion, restaurants and food outlets and others. This type of cause can affect the ecosystem, health and also can cause the death. 

                The water pollution can lead to the destruction of ecosystem. The destroyed of the ecosystem is by the rising temperature in the water, as coral reefs are affected by the bleaching effect due to warmer temperatures.  Additionally, the warm water forces indigenous water species to seek cooler water in other areas, causing an ecological damaging shift of the affected area. Eventually, humans also are affected by this process as well. People can get diseases such as hepatitis by eating seafood that has been poisoned. In many poor nations, there is always outbreak of cholera and diseases as a result of poor drinking water treatment from contaminated waters.

                To stop water pollution is not easy but we can still reduce the water pollution and prevent it before it become worse. First of all, never throw rubbish away anyhow. Always look for the correct waste bin. If there is none around, please take it home and put it in your trash can. This includes places like the beach, riverside and water bodies.

               Other than that, do not throw chemicals, oils, paints and medicines down the sink drain, or the toilet. In many cities, your local environment office can help with the disposal of medicines and chemicals. Check with your local authorities if there is a chemical disposal plan for local residents. If you use chemicals and pesticides for your gardens and farms, be mindful not to overuse pesticides and fertilizers. This will reduce runoffs of the chemical into nearby water sources. Start looking at options of composting and using organic manure instead.

                The government also should have very strict laws that help minimize water pollution. These laws are usually directed at industries, hospitals, schools and market areas on how to dispose, treat and manage sewage. There are also lots of organizations and groups that help educate people on the dangers of water pollution. It is always great to join these groups, because they regularly encourage other members of their communities to have a better attitude towards water.

                In conclusion, water is very important not only to human but also to the ecosystem.  So, we need to preserve our water and take care of it wisely from being polluted. If the water pollution become worse, the our ecosystem will be affected by it because all the living things need water for live continuity.

Saturday 24 October 2015


Scientifically tailored consultancy for environmental regulation and compliance
4R Environmental Consultants’ experienced team offers a range of services to clients needing expert advice in the areas of Soil Science and Environmental Compliance; Environmental Investigation and Risk Assessments; Waste Assessment and By-product Development and Expert Witness support.

With a range of in-house technical and operational experience in all areas of waste treatment and recycling, plus an unrivalled understanding of soil science linked to end market requirements, 4R Environmental Consultants are uniquely placed to give specialist advice to add value.

An in depth understanding of the environment and technical aspects of recycling materials for land benefit gives the team considerable advantages over other consultancy based organisations, particularly when dealing with ‘waste’ producers and land managers who value the use of bulky organic and lime-based soil conditioning materials on their land.
4R Concept : Reduce , Reuse ,Replace and Recycle
The main concept for 4R means Reduce , Reuse , Recycle and Replace. By practicing the 4R concept in our daily life , we can reduce the production of wastes and use the resources more effectively .

1.   Reduce
Reduce the use of unnecessary material and enery. Firstly , buy the thing you really need and bring our own bag while shopping . Secondly, buy home care product with family size , reduce the use of tissue paper ,reduce disposable eating utensils and use environmental-friendly material

2.   Replace
Replace goods which are harmful to the environment by environmental friendly ones. For example , buy returnable bottled drinks or we also can store food in boxes instead of using plastic wrapping films and use rechargeable batteries or AC electricity instead of disposable battery

3.   Reuse
Reuse resources if possible for example ,use both side of paper reduce plastic bags and containers .

4.   Recycle
Classify and recycle garbage. Garbage could be separated and collected by contractors and recycled into new materials/products finally . Advantage for recycle paper s to reduce the amount of garbage produced and enable the Earth’s resources to be sustained continuously .
Looking for expertise in recycling wastes and by-products for use in agriculture and land restoration?
4R Recycling specialises in the cost effective and innovative recycling of by-products from industry and utility companies to agricultural land and restoration sites and in providing bespoke consultancy services to land managers, waste producers, waste management companies and regulatory bodies.

Saturday 10 October 2015

Environmental Issues

Air Pollution

Nowadays, either we realise it or not environmental pollution is increasing rapidly regarding to the economic development and industrialisation activities. As we know, pollution can harm the population of the human being instead all the creatures in our planet. Hence, this issue become common and it’s happening everyday all over the world. The most common type of pollution is land, air, and water.
And one of the air pollution that just happens is haze that caused by the weather and by the forest fires in Indonesia. According to this issue, there is a lot of negative feedback and bad implication happens to the human community. There are two types of air pollution’s, natural pollution and pollution caused by humans. Therefore, we must do something about the air pollution before its getting worse in the future which can affect the people, plants, animals, weather, buildings, climate and everything in this world. So, we must figure out what we have to do and play our role as a human being that lived in this earth.   
In my opinion, the main cause of this air pollution is by humans. There is an illegal burning of forests and other land on Indonesia’s Sumatra Island. This happening due to the clear spaces for oil palm plantations that will cause smoke until it reach above the level considered hazardous. As the result, the Prime Minister has agreed to declare emergency status in Muar and Ledang with immediate effect. (Report from Reuters an international news agency). We can’t stop the pollution because it out of our hand, but we need to cut down a lot pollution caused by humans.
As we know that haze happens due to the fires of forest from land of Indonesia’s Sumatra Island. There for the government must implement laws that will impose penalties when they detect infringements of the rules. In addition, the government must take this issues very seriously as it will affect other country that near to them. Besides we need to raise public awareness regarding to an illegal burning of forest. For example the society can do a report if there is an illegal burning.
Other than that, in my opinion the government also needs to monitor their activities especially involving agriculture such as plantations. For example there is an officer that will guide and monitor them so that the company or agencies will leads to right direction. They also can help the company or agencies by telling them method on how to clearing spaces for oil palm plantations without burning forest.
Due to this air pollution, there are consequences happen. Such as respiratory disease, chronic heart disease, can weaken the immune system and can also affect the functioning of lungs. I think these implications can cause death if there is no immediate action and doing nothing to prevent this issue. Other than affect our health, haze also affects the airlines although it does not gives fatal effect. For example, it will cause distraction in the railways during the aircraft landed or take off. 
I also think that apart from the burning forest from Indonesia, there also other factors that lead to air pollution. The main contributors are tobacco smoke, power plant, emission from automotive, radioactive contamination, aerosol sprays and so on. Air pollution in Malaysia falls into three categories, due to exhaust gas from mobile emission sources such as motor vehicles that principally in urban areas, haze caused by the weather and by forest fires in Indonesia and also pollution caused by industrial activities.
This haze also cause some of school in Malaysia need to closed temporarily when the API reading bordering an unhealthy ozone. As the result, the school session need to stop and this will affect the pupils when they have to miss the class. I think this problem not really good for the pupils especially for them that taking examination such as PMR (Penilaian Menengah Rendah) and SPM (Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia).
In conclusion, I think that all of us must play a good role to overcome air pollution. We as the Malaysians should work together to control and reduce pollution level. We have the responsibility to preserve and to protect our country in order to achieve clean and healthy surroundings. Recently, media has reported many cases of environmental pollution caused by irresponsible people, with an increasing cases of illegal of dumping hazardous waste, toxic and effluents not only harm the environment. Therefore, environmental factors and ethics must be included in our daily activities. Since we cannot do anything without our surroundings and its elements like air, water, and land, it is absolutely necessary to do something to save our world for our next generations.