Saturday 10 October 2015

Environmental Issues

Air Pollution

Nowadays, either we realise it or not environmental pollution is increasing rapidly regarding to the economic development and industrialisation activities. As we know, pollution can harm the population of the human being instead all the creatures in our planet. Hence, this issue become common and it’s happening everyday all over the world. The most common type of pollution is land, air, and water.
And one of the air pollution that just happens is haze that caused by the weather and by the forest fires in Indonesia. According to this issue, there is a lot of negative feedback and bad implication happens to the human community. There are two types of air pollution’s, natural pollution and pollution caused by humans. Therefore, we must do something about the air pollution before its getting worse in the future which can affect the people, plants, animals, weather, buildings, climate and everything in this world. So, we must figure out what we have to do and play our role as a human being that lived in this earth.   
In my opinion, the main cause of this air pollution is by humans. There is an illegal burning of forests and other land on Indonesia’s Sumatra Island. This happening due to the clear spaces for oil palm plantations that will cause smoke until it reach above the level considered hazardous. As the result, the Prime Minister has agreed to declare emergency status in Muar and Ledang with immediate effect. (Report from Reuters an international news agency). We can’t stop the pollution because it out of our hand, but we need to cut down a lot pollution caused by humans.
As we know that haze happens due to the fires of forest from land of Indonesia’s Sumatra Island. There for the government must implement laws that will impose penalties when they detect infringements of the rules. In addition, the government must take this issues very seriously as it will affect other country that near to them. Besides we need to raise public awareness regarding to an illegal burning of forest. For example the society can do a report if there is an illegal burning.
Other than that, in my opinion the government also needs to monitor their activities especially involving agriculture such as plantations. For example there is an officer that will guide and monitor them so that the company or agencies will leads to right direction. They also can help the company or agencies by telling them method on how to clearing spaces for oil palm plantations without burning forest.
Due to this air pollution, there are consequences happen. Such as respiratory disease, chronic heart disease, can weaken the immune system and can also affect the functioning of lungs. I think these implications can cause death if there is no immediate action and doing nothing to prevent this issue. Other than affect our health, haze also affects the airlines although it does not gives fatal effect. For example, it will cause distraction in the railways during the aircraft landed or take off. 
I also think that apart from the burning forest from Indonesia, there also other factors that lead to air pollution. The main contributors are tobacco smoke, power plant, emission from automotive, radioactive contamination, aerosol sprays and so on. Air pollution in Malaysia falls into three categories, due to exhaust gas from mobile emission sources such as motor vehicles that principally in urban areas, haze caused by the weather and by forest fires in Indonesia and also pollution caused by industrial activities.
This haze also cause some of school in Malaysia need to closed temporarily when the API reading bordering an unhealthy ozone. As the result, the school session need to stop and this will affect the pupils when they have to miss the class. I think this problem not really good for the pupils especially for them that taking examination such as PMR (Penilaian Menengah Rendah) and SPM (Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia).
In conclusion, I think that all of us must play a good role to overcome air pollution. We as the Malaysians should work together to control and reduce pollution level. We have the responsibility to preserve and to protect our country in order to achieve clean and healthy surroundings. Recently, media has reported many cases of environmental pollution caused by irresponsible people, with an increasing cases of illegal of dumping hazardous waste, toxic and effluents not only harm the environment. Therefore, environmental factors and ethics must be included in our daily activities. Since we cannot do anything without our surroundings and its elements like air, water, and land, it is absolutely necessary to do something to save our world for our next generations. 

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